Sports Massage Therapy is a Vital Part of Any Intense Training Regimen


When performance matters, sports massage can keep you on top of your game

When you’re passionate about your sport and have been working tirelessly to hone your skills, there’s nothing more frustrating than an injury that derails your progress.

And it’s often not even the physical pain that gets to you the most. It’s the feeling of going backwards that hits the hardest because you know how much sweat equity went into getting to where you currently are.

That’s why sports massage should be considered an essential part of any vigorous training plan. It keeps your body moving smoothly so it doesn’t work any harder than it needs to.

Image of workout gear | Sports Massage Therapy is a Vital Part of Any Intense Training Regimen


You might be wondering how a sports massage differs from a regular massage.

Both treatments have their similarities -- they're both focused on easing restrictions in your body to ensure you're freely and easily — a sports massage focuses on the ways your specific sport impacts your specific body and works to mitigate any of the negative impacts.

Ideally, the massage therapist should have an understanding of the sport, the unique demands it places on your body, and the specific ways your body needs to move to perform well. Helping you remain flexible, avoid injuries, and maintain a full range of motion when you’re out there and in training.

Having this kind of knowledge gives them the ability to enables them to work with you to ensure you remain flexible, avoid common injuries, and maintain a full range of motion when you’re pushing your body to the limit on a regular basis.


If you’re competing at a semi-professional or professional level, then sports massage is essential.

Working with an RMT throughout your training schedule, as well as having someone on hand for competition days will keep you in top form and ensure your training doesn’t take so much of a toll that it ultimately impacts your performance.

You don’t have to be a world-class athlete to benefit from sports massage either. If you’re an active person who enjoys getting out there regularly and using your body, sports massage can still work wonders for you.

Achey joints, sore muscles, and sticky fascia aren’t unique to Olympians after all. Any kind of regular physical activity (especially if you’re posture is already suffering) is going to cause wear and tear and sports massage therapy can help counter that.

why we love sports massage therapy

Staying active has always been important to us. And our founder and resident RMT, Richelle, knows how hard triathlons, lifeguarding, bodybuilding, and Ironmans are because they’re all challenges she’s game to take on regularly.

She brings a lot of experience and expertise to the table (pardon our pun) for anyone who is conditioning their body to run further, bike harder, or swim faster. Because she intimately understands the ways these sports affect the body and is passionate about helping others reach their full potential.

It was actually her love of and lifelong involvement in sports that led her to a career in massage.

At Capria Care Collective, sports massage therapy holds a special place in our hearts and we work to bring ease back into people’s active routines — because pain isn’t always gain and you shouldn’t have to suffer in silence.


Capria Care Collective is taking new bookings, so if you’ve been looking for an RMT in Coquitlam who can help you up your training game, look no further!